Sunday, January 2, 2011


Today the kids and I attended church at Richmond Hill First Baptist for the first time. If you follow my blog from time to time then you know the past month has been very challenging for me. I have been seeking God's guidance more than ever before. I have never been very good at allowing God to "lead" me. Instead I always want to "lead" him to have the things in my life that I want to see happen actually come to reality. It is humbling, not to mention trying, for a person with a TYPE A personality to learn to "Let GO and Let God....."

The message this morning was from Matthew 9:9-13...titled "Come" The speaker focused on how many times we as Christians think that we need to have our lives ALL together in order to be "right with God." Meaning we need to have our marriages together, we need to have our finances in order, we need to maintain healthy relationships and friendships, our kids need to be perfectly behaved, and we need to be living this lifestyle where all our ducks are always perfectly in a neat little row. The purpose of this message was to reiterate that NO ONE ever has all these things right in their lives. However, God did not want to be a savior to the PERFECT he wanted to be a savior to those that needed saving. That line really hit me. I NEED SAVING!!!! My marriage crumbled, I am in love with a man that I can not be with at this time, my finances are a total wreck, I dont always do a very good job of maintaining my relationships like I should, my kids struggle with behavior daily, and my ducks have long since wandered off path. I hurt, I struggle, I cry, and I seek out things in desperation at times...all the while God wants nothing more than to hold my hand and be my best friend through all the hurt, all the struggles and all the tears.

So this New Years, if you have heard nothing uplifting on which to start your New Years path then let that be the message you need to hear. "COME" to God with all your struggles, all your craziness in life, and all your imperfections because he wants to be the Savior for those that need saving. Dont wait for your marriage/relationship to be perfect, dont wait til all your finances are in order, dont wait til your kids are perfectly behaved....just come as you are with what you have and what you lack and he will love you through it despite of it all. Powerful words!

I am hopeful for a wonderful 2011. I seek God's guidance and his wisdom for my life. I pray for those that I love....that 2011 may be an incredible year for them as well.
And for that special man that holds my heart....and always will....I pray for "all the wonderful things that life has to offer and for every bit of happiness that a person can have...." and for you sweetheart...remember...."All my love....forever!"

God Bless!


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