Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Start of an adventure.....

Hello All!

Well my sister started a blog, and lots of my friends have these so I thought I might give it a try. My husband says that I am your typical stay at home wife...meaning I like to cook, constantly find something to fix around the house, and now apparently blog as well. It seems fitting!
For those who might read this that don't really know my family, a quick overview can sum us up. My husband is 31 and owns his own business which means he works like crazy. I am 26, pregnant with our second child, and a stay at home mommy right now. We have a perfect 2-year old little genius named Ethan who is the light of our lives. He is a mommy's boy but I have no problem at all with that. Our daughter, Ella Grace, should be making her debut in late May.

I love being at home and find that I don't really miss the working world. Maybe it is because I feel like there is so much I might miss out on if I left Ethan for long periods of time. I substitute teach from time to time to start making some connections here in the county since we just moved, but I spend most of my days with my son trying to teach him to potty, watching cartoons, playing cars and putting together puzzles. If anyone reads this and has any good tips on how to be successful when potty training a boy then I am all ears. I don't really think he is ready mentally quite yet to understand what the potty is all about, but when your two year old pats his little behind and tell you that he poo poo'd I feel like some call to action is required. So we have set out on the potty adventure. And to call it an ADVENTURE is quite an understatement. Ethan likes to dance around it naked, put his feet or various toys down in the potty, open and close the lid 1000 times, and best of all have accidents right on my carpet or bathroom rugs despite constant reminders to sit down when he feels pee pee or poo poo coming. I know you blog readers are super psyched to be reading about my toddler's bathroom antics but I did warn you in my ABOUT ME section that this would be a crazy blog about the life of a young family.

As for Joey and I, I guess we are pretty boring compared to the potty adventure we are on. We steal nights away whenever we can afford our babysitter or whenever a too kind grandparent calls and volunteers for a toddler filled night. We live for the nights we get to go to dinner together and have adult conversations without any interuptions or thrown food or spilt drinks. We know all to well that these next 4 months we better treasure our nights out because we seriously doubt anyone will volunteer for newborn duty along with an energetic 2 1/2 year old in tow.

I look forward to sharing our craziness with friends and family through this blog. Most of our family lives local but there are those that live away that we do not see often enough. Hopefully this will allow them a little window in to our day to day family life.

Until next time....

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